Tuesday, October 13, 2009
After many years days of waiting and pain, today a happy mailman brought me my packages. He rang the doorbell super-enthusiastically too. Then there it was! The world's greatest photo-book ever.

No seriously? I...was blown away. For comedians - this is top notch stuff. THEREFORE. Small spam 'cause I know a few might care. If not, know what? I'm happy. Dealeth.

There's the cover IRL! :D It's shiny. So shiny. *_*

Here's the back. There are approx. 4 images of Kanada + water - shirt on it. LOL

It came with a free (shop?) photo! I'm used to saying shop photos, IDK.

This is the first image - LOL, sleeping. Also, wut, Kawaquiz tummy. XD

During the rehersals of Hannya Channel Live at Shibuya AX in August. :3

Same~ :D



And then being weird - 'coz too much cute Hannya creates an imbalance.


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About Me

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My name is Tini & this is my Japanese Comedy blog! I feel like Japanese comedy is really hilarious, and something that I want to share my enthusiasm about!

About My Picture: It's a picture of the Hannya cutout in the Yoshimoto Store in Osaka that I took in 2009. [:

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