Monday, November 9, 2009
I must flail about the win I came home to.

cutetakato sent me owarai clippings from her Myojo! I thought it was only going to be Hannya 'cause thats who she mentioned but its like three of my favorite geinin combi so THANK YOU! AH I flailed at like, 1AM.


Cutest Hello Kitty stationary ever! And my boyzzzz.

NON STYLE! I love them. I always torture my owarai pal, Dellie by saying, "I like Inoue," even though she knows from the last million times I've told her. ^^;;

On Yahoo! Japan's Owarai Stadium, they have their own 1:30-long show for the Yoshimoto Online deal (as do Hannya). But what NonSuta is doing is if you leave your Skype ID, they might call you on Skype! So I was like, "Is it chill if I'm a foreigner??" and left my info. So...we'll see. It's not long distance - its Skype! So you never know~

FRUIT PUNCH! ARSTDYFUGUIO. I LOVE FRUIT PUNCH. I don't even know. No srsly, no words for Furupon.

They have a Yoshimoto Online show too but I haven't seen that many episodes. Shizuru as well. I'm pretty sure I have all of Hannya's though...yeah my dedication = strong. >.>

Grand Finale of Hannya~ :D

Also on Y!Japan's Owarai Stadium, Hannya had two threads. One was, Ask us any questions or leave comments! So I asked Hannya, "Hey. Can a foreigner be a comedian? Give me some advice!" it was a lot more polite but yeah. I doubt I'd ever be a comedian but I'm curious to see if they're like, "Wait, what?! O___O" or something. I would be happy if Kanada was like, "Muri jya ne--shi~" WELL, HE'S ALREADY TOLD ME I'M NOT AMERICAN.

Then the other thread was, "Help us name a show! It's gotta have Hannya in it!" And I was like, "Oh! They usually read these things on air too!" So I'm thinking & thinking...and I'm seeing winners like,


So I'm thinking, "NOTHING I COME UP WITH CAN BE WORSE THAN THAT." So I submit, "はんにゃ・じかんにゃ!" which is basically like...Hannya Time...nya! LMAO. WE'LL SEE WHERE THAT GOES.

Wow, I am crazy about this stuff. LMFAO~ OH OH OH! RACHEL...MY PAL FROM ANOTHER GAL! Is going to...! Help me bid on some Hannya clippings on Y!Auctions. They're like 100 Yen and its the cute shots of Kanada in a pimp fedora. I NEED THESE IN MY LIFE.


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My name is Tini & this is my Japanese Comedy blog! I feel like Japanese comedy is really hilarious, and something that I want to share my enthusiasm about!

About My Picture: It's a picture of the Hannya cutout in the Yoshimoto Store in Osaka that I took in 2009. [:

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