Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pink: Downtown, Blue: Ame Agari Kesshitai, Yellow: Summers, Green: Kyai~n

I have been watching a show called Lincoln for the past few days. It is amazing! Part of it stemmed from when I was talking to a friend. I was telling her, "The only geinin I'd be surprised if no one has ever even heard of was Downtown." Of course, I meant if you had you know...been into Japanese entertainment for a long enough period of time, music specifically. 'Cause you'd have to have seen HeyHeyHey once and they host that. So...with all those elements, it'd surprise me.

However, it made me think, "I know Downtown but...only as MC's for their show." So that's when I started looked up their current variety/comedy shows - rather, to see if they have one.

As you can see, they do! And stuff like the above happens on it! LMAO

Wikipedia explained that the purpose of the show is to show younger geinin how it's really done. That made me even want to watch it more. Like to, learn from the seniors of comedy. LOL~

All the geinin here are over 35, and have been doing comedy for at least 15+ years. So they really are well-versed in it. However, you'd never know because they're still really silly and funny. I don't even feel like I'm watching older guys, honestly. I think I know everyone's names from watching. Except the guy in Summers who's NOT Mimura. It's O...take, I think? Those are the kanji, anyways. LOL

D-Addicts even has it! In HD, wide-screen beauty. I was watching it both streaming & via Veoh direct downloads from my sekkrit owarai sawce. Now I can watch it all pretty and stuff.


Anonymous said...

OMG LMAO 松ちゃんが・・・チョーwwwwwww
He looks so... "なんやねんお前ら"


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My name is Tini & this is my Japanese Comedy blog! I feel like Japanese comedy is really hilarious, and something that I want to share my enthusiasm about!

About My Picture: It's a picture of the Hannya cutout in the Yoshimoto Store in Osaka that I took in 2009. [:

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