Saturday, January 9, 2010
I'm supposed to be sleep but I really wanted to see this show & I'm not sure if it'll be uploaded to streaming.

From what I gather, various geinin will be performing hit songs This is already kind of like, "What...?" because they're geinin, not singers. That's why I felt the need to check this out.

Not to mention that Fruit Punch, Shizuru, and Oriental Radio are both on the Dance Team! I love dancing & I love those 3 conbis so if anything - I want to see them! [:

Other Groups/People of Interest
Nadagi Takeshi
Maeda Maeda
and a lot more.

A preview just came on and someone's doing Michael Jackson. ._.

I already knew they were doing Arashi & EXILE - another reason I decided to watch. XD It's hosted by Tutorial and London Boots 1/2. Interesting. [: I saw Hibiki just now? By they aren't on any team...late addition perhaps?

Fruit Punch/Shizuru/O-Raji vs Nadagi Takeshi/FUJIWARA/Savannah
OH! 1st Battle is Dance Battle. LonBoo Team is who I'm rooting for apparently, because that's the FuruPon/O-Raji/Shizuru Team. They're the ones doing EXILE! Choo Choo Train. /terrified

Wait a second, there's no Shizuru! Just a cutout of them? How does that work?!

AH GOD, Tutorial Team is doing Arashi's Believe! FUJIMON = MATSUJUN APPARENTLY! HAHAHA. Nadagi is reluctantly Shoukun, not because he doesn't want to be but he was like, "Who's left? Oh, them I'm Shoukun."

This is going to be scary. Oh Oh oh oh its starting!!! MuraJun and Shingo are ATSUSHI and TAKAHIRO! I APPROVE! HAH, oh man. The facial expressions! <3 THAT WAS FANTASTIC, holy moley!!! I'm so proud of them!

So Chu-to Team is arguing, "Well that was a VTR. It's not nearly as impressive as if you do it live in studio." I think they just asked MuraKen to do it to see the difference, he was rather stoic.

OH LORD, they're doing Believe. Okay, in comparison to LonBoo Team, um. Lackluster. Not nearly as much enthusiasm.

O____O HOLY CRAP NADAGI IS DOING THE SAKURAP! SO impressed, so so impressed! That was the best part though. ._.

Ah okay. In this case its like -Young Geinin vs Veteran Geinin.

HAHAHA YES! LonBoo Team Won! That's right, my boys! ;__; Not even the fact that it was VTR, they were just better! Like, I was kinda blown away. I was expecting fail, ngl. Great surprise!

Oniyakko Tsubaki vs AKB48
Oniyakko Tsubaki (椿鬼奴) is doing a MAX song, and they have four members but she's playing all 4! It's kind amazing and terrifying.

AKB48 is all performing a song about a Sailor Fuku. It's the Cuteness Competition. Um, I must say that Chu-to Team is probably going to win this. ._. LOL!

WOW, Oniyakko Tsubaki actually got two votes though! They might've voted more for hilarity than Cuteness. LOL

Tomochika/Terumoto Gotou  vs Fukawa Ryou/Xabungle
Terumoto Gotou (後藤輝基) from Football Hour is playing guitar for Tomochika (友近) who is singing. He's good at guitar and she was fairly good at singing~

They're against Fukawa Ryou (ふかわりょう) and Xabungle (ザブングル). Wait, Fukawa Ryou is playing piano but messed up the first seven notes! LMAO

Ah okay, it was just a small job in between CM's. He's playing fine now. Xabungle is singing, but not both of them, only Yousuke Matsuo (松尾陽介) aka One in Glasses. I wonder if the song actually sounds this way? It sounds like a menomane of the artist. Haha~ Wow, Fukawa Ryou/Xabungle Team won. [:

Susanne vs U-Jikouji 
How the hell does this pan out? Okay, looking like the challenge is to perform alternative lyrics to songs. I'm honestly not sure what song she's even singing but she changed the lyrics to be food-related. It was very cutesy, like, "Oh cavities." LOL

U-Jikouji is doing Greeeen's Kiseki. Everyone sings that song. TBH, I never got the allure. It's not that great of a song to me. So they'll be singing that soon.

Morisanchuu vs Miyu Uehara
Doki Doki Competition. Morisanchuu!! Doing Perfume's Polyrhythm. Ironically, I've been making fun of this song for two days. LMAO O____O Oh God Morisanchuu Forever! They are amazing!

Miyu Uehara (上原美優) did some song named PRIDE. It was in a bathtub and was a bit TMI for my tastes.

THANK YOU! Morisanchuu won! Proving you don't have to be naked to be entertaining!

Haruna  Ai vs TKO
They have to copy the PV in this challenge. Haruna is doing Hung Up by Madonna. TKO is doing "Minna no Daisuki" Michael Jackson. <3 They're doing "BAD." Good lord.

LOL, its good! Haruna's version is both funny is good dancing! Random butt overload though. "Chanto yare yo~" they shouted that at her.

HERE COMES BAD! KINOSHITA IS MJ! LOL He's good, he's good! I know it. LMAO If I had to say though...I honestly don't know. They were both accurate to a degree and silly to a degree!


 Maeda Maeda vs Sakura Maya
Maeda Maeda will be doing Seishun Amigo! HOW CUTE!!! AH! SO CUTE CO CUTE! My mind is blow with cuteness!  LOL, "DAKISHIMETE~" Ah I want them to be my siblings. LOL

Maya Sakura is singing Ayaka's Mikkazuki, I believe. She's known for being a young enka singer, and they mentioned this is her first time not singing enka on TV. I have a feeling she'll win. Maeda Maeda were cute but this girl's like literally talented. Very good singer!

"Maketachaunkana?" Poor things already think they'll lose! Well they did get one vote! That's good [:

Sandwichman vs Hiroyuki Ariyoshi
Ariyoshi's face irritates me, and I actually like Sandwichman so I'm rooting for them.

LOL I seriously don't know what's happening. It's like some insane Sandwichman slideshow of old times and raburabu! I'm so confused! OH GOD, they showed them in bed & there was a cigarette burning, symbolizing...yeah...LMAO

Is the theme slideshows?

WHY IS HE WALKING AROUND NAKED? AHAHA! There was a beam of light blocking his you know what and someone goes, "Taiyou?!" Also, a peace of toast popped up right before he turned around! I never need to see this much Ariyoshi ever again. I might hate him a little less for that. MIGHT.

WOW another landslide win for Ariyoshi.

Final Results
Tutorial Team won the whole thing. Well, I'm glad my favorites won the first one. This was fun to watch, even though my sleep schedule is now royally screwed.

LOL its ending w/ a Where's Waldo type of deal but with Mou Chuugakusei. He's singing a familiar song but I just can't remember it's title. XD


Anonymous said...

1. ...Nadagi rapped? THAT I WANT TO SEE. Must be cool. And Fujimon doing Jun-pon what LMAO (headdesks)
2. HAHA I wonder if Katou can sing...
3. Ah, sorry it's just a tiny mistake but it's Sakura Maya. :D And wow, so cool she sang Mikadzuki!? Heeh.

Ahaha it was fun reading this. And I'm now going to be late to school. orz (walks lazily)

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My name is Tini & this is my Japanese Comedy blog! I feel like Japanese comedy is really hilarious, and something that I want to share my enthusiasm about!

About My Picture: It's a picture of the Hannya cutout in the Yoshimoto Store in Osaka that I took in 2009. [:

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