Friday, February 26, 2010
This is just a random pic spam from one of my favorite episodes of Lincoln. This is from the 2-Hour SP with the huge sports competition. However, I think this short segment made me laugh more than the actual competition!

They have to dress as their favorite hero (read as: sentai hero) but only with products from a 100 Yen Shop (equvivalent to 99 Cent Stores in the US and other places?)

To make matters worse, they could only spend 1,000 Yen! (~$10USD) So we're talking low budget. Everyone's outfits were bad (and at this rate, I'll probably post them all) but here's Hoto-chan's first! His made me laugh the most. I think it's his facial expressions. Here are the rest!

 Look at everyone's expressions above him! Udo's in like shock, Hamada's srsly trying to figure out WTF he's seeing, and Mimura's like LOLOL.

Uh oh, close up. Yes, that is plainly a bowl on his head.

Oh My God, he has a gun. He smiles like that with a weapon?! This is the part that always gets me...

Here's the rundown of everything he used to make his outfit, including a bowl, black high socks, tin foil, corner racks, and tape. It all totaled 1,000 Yen exactly.

And the end comparison shot. Honestly, his and Otake's are the best. So if you can imagine THAT, wait to you see the worst...


Anonymous said...

Oh crap I wrote a comment before this but it didn't send. Oh well here it is again.

I'm so happy to have found this blog!!! I did a random search today, finally, for others who like owarai geinin... there are so few people =(

I hope you update soon. I'll be checking back ;D

bugs said...

tini are you still out there? this blog is so good! why did you stop? i've got an owarai blog but I am an amateur compared to you.

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About Me

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My name is Tini & this is my Japanese Comedy blog! I feel like Japanese comedy is really hilarious, and something that I want to share my enthusiasm about!

About My Picture: It's a picture of the Hannya cutout in the Yoshimoto Store in Osaka that I took in 2009. [:

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