Thursday, December 10, 2009

『お誕生日おめでとう!』 むらけん~

It's late (by a day) but...To my other favorite boke of all time! I never thought that someone could make so many うざキャラ (irritating, annoying characters) and not irritate me to no end. It's art form. It doesn't surprise me that you come up with a lot of Fruit Punch's skits - because they are as insane as you are.

If I know you well enough, you spend your birthday possibly drunk and in boxers. Or perhaps you got a ton of boxers as a gift! I still want the Yatterman ones I saw you in! Erm, weird birthday greeting is weird. Please keep singing horribly - or I'll have nothing to laugh at. I can't believe you sang Suga Shikao yesterday.........Happy Birthday!

And just because I might as well share a favorite Fruit Punch moment...

★ Library Skit | Pay attention for the epic English. LMAO

Apparently it's also Nakaoka Souichi's (from Lotti) birthday on November 8th as well, so happy birthday to him too! [:


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My name is Tini & this is my Japanese Comedy blog! I feel like Japanese comedy is really hilarious, and something that I want to share my enthusiasm about!

About My Picture: It's a picture of the Hannya cutout in the Yoshimoto Store in Osaka that I took in 2009. [:

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